Water damage is the ultimate nightmare of any homeowner. It is often costly to fix, but water damage often becomes a reason for much more serious and costly problems if you delay it for too long.
Statistically, an average homeowner in the United States spends between $1,500 and over $5,000 per year on water damage. It may include the stains and leaks that appear due to faulty pipes or a leaky toilet and the damage caused by a natural disaster, most of which are floods.
In fact, you don`t really have to go through massive news-worthy flooding to face some severe food damage to your house. The most average annual snowmelt may slowly but surely flood your garage or basement, causing severe damage to the building itself and your belongings that you may keep in the flood-vulnerable rooms.
You may not even notice that your garage or basement has been flooded. Still, the smell, stains on walls and the floor, and signs of rusting should tell you that your property has already been damaged by the floodwater, and you are facing the risk of pretty costly repairs.
In this article, we shall talk about how the water damage estimates are made and what you can do to minimize your risks and losses in case of flooding.
Clean-up costs
You will not actually lose any property to water damage in the best-case scenario, and your house will not need any costly repairs after a flood. However, it is important to clean up the consequences of flooding thoroughly to ensure that the flood that happened last week won`t remind you about itself in the future, covering your basement, garage, and house with mold.
While you nay manage to clean up the water yourself in some cases, some types of floods that may contain chemicals, mud, and even sewer water may require some special skills, equipment, and knowledge to eliminate.
Depending on the materials of your house, the character of the flood, and the damage caused by water, clean-up may cost you somewhere between $3,5 and $7 per square foot.
The average ground size of an American one-family house is about 1,600 square feet. A clean-up after flooding may cost an American family up to $11,000.
Of course, it is an extremely dramatic estimation, and you can hardly imagine that the whole ground area of your house will be flooded with water and need professional clean-up services. But even $2,000 is definitely a serious sum of money for an average household. Especially if your house gets flooded regularly.
Such a simple solution as a removable flood barrier will easily save you from flooding and cost less than $900. It is an investment into your property`s wellbeing that will pay off instantly and serve you for many years taking minimum storage space in your basement, garage, or drawer.
Repair and restoration costs.
Of course, if the water has damaged the structure of your building or your belongings, you will have to spend much more money on restoration than a simple clean-up.
The national average rates show that repairs in the basement may cost you $500 up to $85,000. Drywall - the material most vulnerable to the water damage will need repairs from $275 to $825. The restoration of floors varies depending on the material and the character of water damage, but it may easily cost you around $500 per square foot.
It is essential to remember that such repairs should be done immediately after you find them. Otherwise, this water damage can develop into massive damage to the structure of the building, becoming a hazard to the health and safety of people who live in the building. Not to mention that water damage is the main reason for the devaluation of your property on the real estate market.
Just one set of flood barriers will help you easily avoid this kind of water damage. It will save you a great deal of time and money needed for restoration. Because flood barriers can be used for many years, it is also a way to guarantee the health, safety, and wellbeing of your family and protect the value of your legacy for the heirs.
Contact Dam Easy today and learn more about flood barriers and other innovative flood control methods to save your property from water damage.
Protect your house from flooding today to protect its value and safety in the future.
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