Talking about the damage and devastation caused by natural disasters and especially floods, we mainly remember all those people who lost their homes, possessions or even lives to raging water. That is why such products as flood barriers and water gates are mainly associated with households and are considered residential flood control solutions.
However, there are other victims of flooding, who may not be that vocal about their losses, but suffer greatly and even more often than households. We are talking about businesses that lose millions to floods every year.
In this article, we shall talk about the real dangers of floods to all sorts of businesses and how such a straightforward solution as a flood barrier may change the fate of any business, whether we are talking about a small family restaurant or an international chain of hotels.
Why are floods so dangerous for businesses?
Floods might be even more dangerous for businesses than residential properties. Just think about it, when you have water damage in your basement or lose your grandma's carpet to floodwater, it is only your problem.
When we are talking about a business, any damage or loss can affect several people at the same time, starting from the owners and those who work for the place and ending with customers and visitors.
A business that got affected by flooding may have to stop working for a while, which will inevitably affect everyone affiliated with it. The business will need to spend some money on repairs, which means that they will have to raise prices for the customers in the future or tighten their belts. Farewell annual bonuses and other goodies that motivate employees and encourage them to work harder.
Of course, a business may try and swipe some problems under the carpet. You don't really have to tell each and every visitor that you have mold in your basement due to the recent flooding. But what happens if they find out? Your reputation will be ruined. Not to mention costly lawsuits that will follow immediately.
Last but not least is safety. Suppose the electricity room was affected by floodwater and at first sight, everything looks ok. But in a matter of a couple of days, weeks, or even months, the damage will reveal itself, ending up in a power shortage or short circuit that may lead to fire and more damage or even victims.
We know this information for sure from one of our clients, a maintenance manager in a Florida hotel, who admitted that before the business adopted flood barriers, they suffered losses of up to $1 million due to floods and water damage.
Are you, your employees, and investors prepared to lose $1 million due to flooding? It is worth mentioning at this point that flooding is the most frequent natural disaster in the world, affecting 90% of residential and commercial buildings in the United States every year.
Do you still think you are immune to flood damage?
The 5 ways a flood barrier can improve your business.
Now let's go over the 5 key issues every business face at some point and the way such a simple device as a flood barrier can prevent it.
1 - Flooding is not all about the season or place!
Many business owners believe that their companies are immune to water damage due to their geographic location or the fact that a major flood has never happened in their area.
The thing is that floods are happening more and more often today, and the fact that your area has not been flooded for over 100 years only means that the water is just about to arrive.
Another thing many people forget is that floods and water damage are not necessarily about the disastrous pictures we see on the TV. In most cases, water damage happens quietly and starts affecting your business when it is already too late to prevent it. The most common reason for flooding is the seasonal snowmelt. You may not even notice how the water soaks into your basement and affects the electric appliance every year and only wonder about the consequences when such a simple device as a flood barrier installed in the basement passage or electrical room could solve the problem once and for all.
2 - Property damage
Yes, we have been talking about water damage a lot, but let's put money aside and talk about the damage flooding can cause to your business in general.
If floodwater gets into your garage, it may damage your car, and you won't be able to perform on the same level until the damage is fixed. If you are a hotel owner, guests probably won't be that generous with their reviews if they notice water damage and stains on walls and floors. The list may go on forever, but the idea is the same. Even if flooding does not cause any fatal damage, flood barriers will protect you from the unpleasant side effects that will pull you down.
3 - Reputation
Another thing floods ruin entirely for the business community is reputation. A business that does not take action to protect itself and its customers may be considered neglectful, while a hotel that has flood barriers is always seen as a place people can trust.
4 - Economic losses
Your business might have been your childhood dream, but for people who work there and their families, it is a source of income. Once the business gets ruined or has to stop working due to flood damage, it will affect the quality of life of several families or even the whole local community if your business is involved in the industry that defines the region.
By protecting your business with flood barriers, you protect the lives and well-being of everyone who depends and counts on it.
5 - Emotional hardship
Last but not least is the emotional factor. Nothing is more devastating than seeing the business that you have been building so carefully ruined by flooding. For many people, it can be so traumatizing that they may refuse to rebuild the place and even give up on the whole idea of being a business owner.
Flood barriers are your guarantee that your enterprise will be fully protected from the impact of the most frequent and destructive natural disaster in the world.
Flood barriers are user-friendly flood control solutions suitable for all kinds of buildings, door passages, and even gates. They can be installed in a matter of several minutes without any special tools, knowledge, or skills. Your every employee can easily install a flood barrier at the very first sight of an approaching disaster and make sure that the whole business remains safe and sound in the face of flooding.
Do you want to know more about flood barriers and other innovative flood control solutions for homes and businesses? Contact Dam Easy today and discover new opportunities to protect your business from losses and, secure the fate of your enterprise, protect your clients and employees from the gruesome effects of floods.
DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with. That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read MoreFlood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate