The 5 Flood dangers you didn`t know about

The 5 Flood dangers you didn`t know about

5 minute read

Talking about flood dangers, most of us imagine massive destruction, damage to the property, power-offs, and, of course, injuries and even deaths caused by the raging water.

But the main dangers from floods are often not even connected with the disaster itself, as they may reveal themselves several days or even months after the water retreats.

Except for destruction and visible physical damage to people and their properties, floodwater often carries loads of dirt, chemicals, and other substances that become fruitful soil for the development of insects. Mold and bacteria. It inevitably leads to the development of diseases, infections, or even outbreaks in certain areas.

In this article, we shall talk about the five unobvious flood dangers everyone should know about to ensure their safety before, during, and after the flooding.


Experts say that the worst thing that may happen to you during the flood (except drowning, of course) is swallowing floodwater. Contaminated with sewers and feces of animals, it almost certainly carries loads of bacteria and parasites that can lead to severe poisoning problems and gastrointestinal diseases that can take a chronic form in some cases.

While in most cases, the worst-case scenario will be some extreme cases of vomiting and diarrhea, which are not considered life-threatening, they can be a real problem in the after-flood situation. These conditions lead to severe dehydration, and you may find yourself short of safe freshwater supplies if your area has been affected by the flood severely.

Salmonella is the most common bacteria in floodwater, which can lead to a pretty severe condition that needs medical attention. Leptospirosis is also among the most frequent flood dangers that can actually be fatal unless treated on time.

The worst cases scenario caused by contaminated floodwater is outbreaks of Typhoid and Cholera, which are almost inevitable in areas with a large number of victims, destruction, and damage to transport and infrastructure.

Rule #1 is to avoid swallowing or even tasting floodwater in any way. Make sure to have a supply of clean fresh water enough for the whole family both for drinking and cooking as well as for personal hygiene.

flood dangers

Skin infections and sepsis

Unfortunately, swallowing floodwater is not the only thing you should avoid. Skin infections and especially sepsis (blood infections) are also among the most common flood dangers and even causes of death during the flood season.

As we have already mentioned, floodwater carries multiple bacteria and pathogens that can cause irritation, inflammations, and severe cases of sepsis if they get in touch with scratches, open wounds, or any kind of skin damage.

Suppose you get injured during the flood or even have a stretch or would that you got several days before, make sure to cover and protect it from contact with floodwater. Also, put disinfecting products in your first aid kit to be able to clean and sanitize the damage as soon as possible.

flood dangers

Incubator for mosquitos

Talking about flood dangers, we should always keep in mind that it becomes an ultimate incubator for mosquitos and other insects. Except for being super annoying, they can carry multiple potentially dangerous and even fatal diseases such as Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya, and others.

It is highly recommended to have a stock of mosquito repellants in your emergency kit and wear clothes with long sleeves to minimize the risk of bites and infections.

Hepatitis diseases

Hepatitis got itself an image of an STD or the type of disease spread among drug users. However, experts insist that Hepatitis and especially its A and E forms are particularly widespread in the area frequently affected by floods. 

And while Hepatitis E remains very rare in the United States, contaminated floodwater can transport and spread it easily, even around the area typically not familiar with the disease.


This bacteria causes one of the most severe flood dangers and consequences, the so-called Legionnaires disease. 

Like it was not scary enough that floodwater can harm you if you swallow or even touch it, Legionnaires` disease can spread through breathing in tiny droplets of contaminated water. 

Although it can be treated pretty easily with antibiotics, this disease can become very dangerous or even fatal if it is not diagnosed on time if the infected person has some chronic respiratory conditions.

Experts say that people often get infected with the Legionnaires` disease during the after-flood cleaning. That is why it is strongly recommended to wear protective gear, including respirators or at least face masks, in the house until you are sure that it is entirely clean and disinfected after the flood.

As you see, contact with floodwater can be extremely dangerous and even fatal in some cases. That is why it is essential to stay away and keep floodwater out of your house at all costs. Even if you are planning to evacuate and spend the flood season in a safer place, you should make sure to seal your house from floodwater to minimize the risk of contracting flood dangers after you return home.

Flood barriers for homes are a modern flood control method that helps to secure every passage of your house, including garage gates and basement doors. It can be installed and removed in a matter of several minutes, and the efficiency of flood gates is proven by multiple tests and positive reviews from experts and happy customers worldwide.

A flood barrier for home will make sure that floodwater won`t have a chance to enter your house and put you and your family in danger of catching an infection or compromising your emergency food and water supplies.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn more about our flood gates and other modern flood control solutions for your home and business!

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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