Flooding. As a property owner, you can only hope that it will never happen in your area and do your best to prepare and protect your belongings. But floods are happening more and more often worldwide, raising our chances of witnessing and suffering from this natural disaster in the observable future. That is why flood safety is one of the essential topics today, along with flood control solutions and ways to restore your property after water damage.
And while there are tons of flood safety tips and checklists all over the Internet, today we decided to draw your attention to the main DON'Ts of surviving the most frequent and destructive natural disaster in the world.
Flood safety mistakes to avoid.
You probably know what you need to do when you notice floodwater entering your house. You need to prevent water damage and move to a safe area. But most people who face flooding for the first time tend to make certain mistakes, causing even more losses and putting their health and even lives at risk.
Don't try DIY solutions.
Most people consider modern flood control solutions costly and look for alternative DIY tips, which is perfectly OK if you are an expert flood fighter and know exactly how and when to protect from water damage.
There are so many tips on the Internet that the desire to save some money and explore alternative flood safety solutions is pretty understandable. However, be careful!
If it is your first flooding or the disaster is going to be serious since authorities inform you about evacuation possibilities and encourage citizens to temporarily relocate, or the weather channel is warning about significant storms and other flood-related disasters, don't try your luck and go for recommended and certified flood control methods like flood barriers for home, flood gates for garage or even the good old sandbagging.
DIY floodproofing may work perfectly if we are talking about minor repairs that will keep snowmelt water or rain away from your belongings, but avoid it when you are facing massive seasonal flooding or a flash flood.
Don't underestimate the damage.
We don't say that every item, even slightly touched by floodwater, is lost forever and should be replaced immediately, but it is essential to estimate water damage thoroughly before you make decisions about repairs and replacements.
The biggest problem with floodwater is that it is often contaminated with chemicals, dirt debris, and even feces and sewer substances. Therefore, it is essential to see the difference between your garage flooded with snowmelt water and the basement that fell victim to a river spill.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if electric appliances have been touched by any kind of water, they may be dangerous to use in the future. It is best to consult a professional before making any decisions in this case.
Don't enter the floodwater.
Another mistake most people make is entering floodwater in an attempt to escape flooding or trying to save some of their belongings. Believe it or not, some even do it for fun and try to win in the suddenly obtained swimming pool in their basement or living room.
Not only is it dangerous, but entering (or even touching) floodwater can be ultimately life-threatening.
Do you know what the most common cause of death is during a flood season? It is drowning, of course. And your ability to swim or physical condition does not matter that much in this case. Not only a couple-inch flooding stream cam swipe a grown person off their feet, but floodwater is not the same thing that you are used to in your swimming pool or even local lake. It is contaminated with various substances and may carry large pieces of garbage and debris that can injure you. Not to mention the fact that you cannot see through dirty floodwater and what (or who) is swimming there by your side. That is why staying away from floodwater is the #1 flood safety tip.
The second most common cause of death during flooding is electrocution. And it happens precisely when people enter (or even touch) a water stream or pool without protection. Just one loose wire or damaged socket under the water level can kill you or anyone else who touches it with bare hands.
Don't try to save as many things as possible.
Once you didn't install flood barriers or flood gates on your property, the water has probably entered your basement, garage, living room, shed, etc., and started destroying your belongings. The worst thing you can do in this case is risk your life and health trying to salvage those things. Not only for the reasons we have mentioned above but because water damage can carry long-term consequences and become moldy, start irritating your skin, and destroy your furniture and everything it touches later on.
The main flood safety tip, in this case, is to save the important things, those that will be hard to restore. Those are some documents, cash, and electric appliance that you will need to communicate and ask for health. Necessary warm clothes, meds, and food stack enough for at least 3 days. All the rest is replaceable, especially if covered with flood insurance.
Do you want to learn more about flood safety and ways to protect your house or business from water damage? Contact Dam Easy right now! Our experts will be happy to answer all your questions and help you navigate the world of modern flood control products and solutions, pick up those that fit your property and respond to the type of floods in your area best.
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