the 3 countries most prepared for floods and what we can learn from them.

the 3 countries most prepared for floods and what we can learn from them.

5 minute read

Floods are happening worldwide today, and there is a big chance that you have either already experienced massive flooding or are about to face your first severe flood season.

However, there are countries historically famous for their "luck" with natural disasters and especially floods. Therefore, their countries are believed to be the most prepared and their residents the most experienced when it comes to flood control and wear damage management.

In this article, we shall go over the 3 countries with the reputation of experts in flood preparedness and see what makes their governments and residents such experts in overcoming floods and their consequences and what we can learn from them.


In September 1923, Japan experienced an earthquake so strong and destructive that they were seriously considering moving their capital to another area and abandoning Tokyo forever. However, later on, Japanese people demonstrated unprecedented skill and knowledge of architecture, urban planning and, of course, disaster preparedness.

The city that was first destroyed by a devastating earthquake and then covered by the following Typhoon that took thousands of lives was not only restored but developed the most sophisticated transport system and architecture.

Japan is one of the most serious and dedicated countries when it comes to disaster preparation and especially flooding. Every building, whether commercial, public or residential, is equipped with special floodgates, which are either removable or built into the structure itself. Japanese schools and businesses hold an annual disaster awareness day with drills, safety updates and lectures about the newest flood control products and solutions.

Not to mention numerous detectors placed all over the most vulnerable cities as well as the coastline and even the sea bottom to ensure that the slightest indications of the upcoming disaster will be noticed and the action will take place immediately.

floods in Asia

What can we learn from Japan's experience?

The first thing is, of course, the mindset that does not allow Japan's residents to take their safety for granted and enables them to constantly search for new efficient flood control solutions.

The very same mindset will not allow them to ignore another flood warning or neglect flood barriers for homes or flood insurance because it seems a waste of money, and there is no guarantee that another massive flood will happen within the next several years anyway.


It may be a pretty controversial entry on our list. The Philippines is one of the most flood-vulnerable states in the world, which at the same time, remains one of the least prepared.

Over 78% of Philippines citizens have to face severe flooding and water damage to their property regularly. The whole country is located on 7,000 islands and therefore has over 36,000 km (~22,300 miles) of coastline. Its capital, Manilla, is known as the most flooded one in the world.

On the one hand, local authorities take immediate action as soon as another flooding happens. Moreover, the country has pretty strict legislation about residential and commercial buildings and urban planning meant to protect people and their properties in case of another flood. However, those laws are poorly informed and hardly can be considered efficient, mainly due to the high level of corruption in the country.

It leaves Philippines residents particularly aware of the danger of their position and creates a specific mindset that encourages every resident to take care of their own property without believing that the situation will somehow get ruled out itself and someone else will take care of them.

floods management

What can we learn from the Philippines` experience?

People here simply know that every time they build a house or open a business, it may and will get affected by floods or water damage at some point. This understanding is exactly what encourages local residents to discover and adopt innovative flood control solutions such as flood gates and flood barriers, especially those that are easy to install and remove and don't take up much storage space.


Last but not least in this article is Australia - the country known for its tricky climate that often leaves residents dealing with the most unexpected natural disasters.

Australia is mainly known for its experience of the hurricane seasons as well as droughts periods inevitable followed by severe flash floods. All those natural disasters have one thing in common - they don't leave much time for thinking. That is why Australian residents prefer flood control solutions that can be deployed and managed in a matter of several minutes, such as flood gates installed in the most vulnerable areas as well as private and commercial buildings.

The upcoming winter season will be marked by one of the most destructive hurricanes called La Nina, which is believed to go down in history and revolutionize everything we know about floods, disaster preparedness and crisis management.


Do you want to learn more about flood control, disaster preparedness or ways to protect your property from water damage? Contact Dam Easy today! 

Our team of professionals are ready to answer all your questions, introduce you to modern sustainable anti-flooding solutions and help you make informed decisions about the flood safety of our house or business. 

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Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


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