It is time to go back to school, and most of us are traveling around, buying supplies, and preparing for a new academic year. However, behind the study books, colorful markers, sports uniforms, and curricular activities, we often forget the essential things like ensuring kids` safety. For example, is your school floodproof?
Happening more and more often, floods are the most frequent and destructive natural disaster in the United States and Europe today. However, it has not always been like this. That is why it is pretty standard that Western academic institutions are incredibly vulnerable to natural disasters, unlike Asian shells, where flood safety is taken seriously.
In this article, we shall go through the essential factors that will help you make your school floodproof and guarantee the safety of your children during the upcoming academic year.
Can you make a school floodproof?
Most people righteously say that it is impossible to predict any course of events and protect children from any negative effects, especially when they are out of the house. However, schools are precisely where kids are supposed to feel and be most safe and protected from all dangers and negativity.
Putting social factors aside, such events as natural disasters and especially floods can become fatal if the school building and personnel are not ready to withstand it.
Is it so important to make school floodproof? The answer is yes! Due to climate change and global warming, floods are happening more and more often and on larger territories than they did just several decades ago.
Once your school was built at least 30 years ago, and in an area, which was not historically considered flood-prone, there is a big chance it has none of the modern facilities and solutions that will protect kids thoroughly in case of flooding.
However, school floodproof measures can save the lives of hundreds of children in case a disaster strikes.
Unfortunately, the modern tendencies demonstrate that floods will soon become routine events all over the world. And they are most active in autumn, winter, and spring - when children spend most of their days in schools.
Let`s go through the precaution measures, features, and solutions that can improve your school's floodproof rate and guarantee kids` safety during flood seasons.
Products and solutions that make your school floodproof.
To make sure that the school building can withstand the flood and become a safe shelter for students, the administration may consider purchase and installation of several additional anti-flooding solutions:
- Sealing the floors to prevent water seeping in case the basement gats flooded;
- Get flood barriers, which are easy to install and are most efficient even against 3-foot floods;
- Place non-return valves on pipes and the school`s sewer system;
- install pumps in the basement and other low-level rooms and facilities, which are most likely to get flooded first.
Except for purchasing the necessary anti-flooding equipment, the school administration may want to consider a certain level of remodeling that will make the school floodproof if a disaster strikes.
- Raising all the electric sockets, fuse boxes, etc. at least 12 inches above the 100-year flood level in the area;
- Installing high shelves and storing essential supplies, emergency food, and medications there. That way, they will remain safe and ready for use even if the disaster strikes badly and children appear blocked in school for a longer period.
How to prepare children and school personnel for flooding?
Even if you manage to make the school floodproof, severe casualties and even fatal outcomes may still appear if children and personnel of the school appear unprepared and start panicking, making rush decisions in chaos.
That is why it is essential to instruct teachers, coaches, school personnel, and children about the essential actions and behavior in case of flooding.
- Create a list of emergency phone numbers and important contacts and keep it in the area where it is most visible and accessible;
- Teach responsible personnel to shut off gas, electricity, and water in case of disaster;
- Develop the flood plan and assign people responsible for its every chapter and area;
- Train personnel and hold emergency drills from time to time to make sure that everyone is aware of their actions and can execute them properly;
- store all the anti-flooding solutions, such as flood barriers, sandbags, plastic bags, etc., in an accessible area and ensure that the responsible people know how to deploy them most efficiently.
However, it is logical that you cannot spend days and academic hours on frequent drills and school floodproof instructions. Nevertheless, certain measures will help students and schools personnel act most efficiently and safely in case of flooding:
- Create evacuation floorplans and place them in visible areas, where people can see them every day;
- Build a checklist for students, teachers, and other personnel, which will make it easier to organize in case of emergency;
- stay updated about flood and weather forecasting in the area, not all irregular events, and raise people`s awareness about the possibility of disaster;
- Hold regular checkups to ensure that flood barriers, sandbags, and other anti-flooding devices are accessible and function properly.
Flood is the most destructive natural disasters known to mankind. Slowly but surely it is becoming the most frequent also. Statistically, almost 90% of American households have been affected by floods one way or another during their history. The situation is the same all over the world.
Because schools are where kids spend most of their time during the academic year, they are supposed to remain safe and perfectly secure from all the dangers of the outer world, including natural disasters.
While thousands of households have already trusted their safety to innovative anti-flooding solutions, the time has come to make schools floodproof and safe and at the same level with the most efficient and credible temporary flood barriers.
Their installation is most straightforward, does not require any special knowledge, and guarantees thorough protection from 3-foot flooding.
Contact Dam Easy today and learn about Flood Barriers and other anti-flooding solutions that give you peace of mind and thorough protection from the disaster.
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