How to Install a Flood Barrier. Update from DamEasy

How to Install a Flood Barrier. Update from DamEasy

4 minute read

When it comes to safeguarding your home from flooding, there is no better solution than modern flood barriers. They provide the peace of mind you need to weather any storm. However, while getting in touch with communities of Florida that live in flood-prone areas, we understood that many people have hesitated in the past because they weren't sure how to install these essential flood protection systems. Indeed, every house is unique, and what suits your neighbor perfectly may simply not work for you because, for example, your doorjambs are designed differently and cannot hold a flood barrier in place during active flooding.

That is why we decided to take action, setting up dedicated teams across Florida to help homeowners get the most out of modern flood control solutions!

Dam Easy Comes to Florida

Our journey began in the charming city of St. Augustine and took us across the state to the beautiful west coast, particularly in St. Petersburg. Since then, we have successfully established teams in several Florida cities, including St. Augustine, Naples, Cape Coral, Miami, and St. Petersburg.

Flood Barrier installation for Becky

Our mission was simple: to help Florida residents protect their homes from flooding and ease their concerns about installation. Let's take a closer look at our experience in St. Augustine as an example.

St. Augustine: Our First Stop

St. Augustine was our first area of focus, and we are proud to say that we have already protected approximately 40 homes from potential flood damage. 

One of our most memorable experiences was when we received an inquiry from Becky Smith. Becky was eager to use modern flood barriers to safeguard her home, but she had concerns about the compatibility of her house's architecture with our flood barrier system.

We didn't leave Becky hanging with her questions and doubts and sent a Dam Easy representative to visit her home, assess the situation, and determine the requirements to make sure that she could get the most out of our modern floodgates. This assessment was crucial in understanding the unique needs of her property and ensuring a custom-fit solution.

Once the examination was complete, our professional installation team swung into action. They installed the Dam Easy flood barrier system and made any necessary modifications to her home, guaranteeing the best flood protection possible. One of the best features of our system is that, after this initial installation, Becky can easily manage her flood barriers on her own, without needing any special tools or assistance in the future.

From that point on, Becky and her family could enjoy the peace of mind that our modern flood control system offers, protecting their home and valuables from the devastating effects of flooding. This peace of mind will last for many years to come.

We are Here to Help You!

Now, thanks to our dedicated teams in St. Augustine, Naples, Cape Coral, Miami, and St. Petersburg, we can provide similar services to more Florida residents. If you live in one of these cities and want to protect your home from flooding, reaching out to the Dam Easy team is your first step toward safety and security.

flood barrier for Becky

Our certified representatives are ready to visit your house, evaluate its unique needs, and provide you with an exact estimate for the number of flood barriers and extension poles you will need to enjoy 100% flood protection. 

They will also let you know if any preparations are necessary, such as reinforcing doors and gates, adding a concrete apron around the foundation, or expanding door jambs to securely hold flood barriers in place.

For these preparations, we work closely with certified contractors who will handle all the necessary work and help you maximize the benefits of modern flood control, like Dam Easy flood barriers.

So, if you are still concerned about protecting your home from floods, there is no need to worry anymore. With Dam Easy's dedicated teams and customized flood protection solutions, you can enjoy the peace of mind you deserve. 

Contact us today, and together we will make sure your home is ready to stand strong against any flood that comes your way. Your safety and security are our top priorities!

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More


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