Floods happen more and more often today. Homeowners worldwide explore ways to protect their houses from raging water and prevent flooding on their property. At the same time, many of us forget about outdoor constructions like sheds and storage in the backyard. However, most of them may contain some pretty expensive and essential tools and equipment that can be lost to water damage. Still, those things can quickly become additional damaging factors once picked up by water and carried towards your house, car, etc. That is why it is as essential to floodproof a tool shed as it is to protect your home from water.
In this article, we shall talk about different essential and obvious ways to protect outdoor constructions from flooding and save a great deal of time. Money and nerves in case a disaster strikes in your area.
Examine and endure your tool shed
Before considering any floodproofing, it is essential to thoroughly examine your tool shed or any other outdoor construction to estimate possible existing damage and how it can influence the course of events in case of flooding.
If you have a wooden outdoor shed, there is a strong chance of damaging the material inevitably made by elements and insects. Of course, the damage level entirely depends on the age and maintenance of your tool shed.
Even if we are talking about new construction or the one made out of PVC materials, the basis on which the toolshed stands is a crucial factor when it comes to flood protection.
Experts usually recommend against placing a tool shed directly on the ground and suggest building some kind of elevated basis for it. A deck can be a great solution as it elevates the tool shed and provides free air ventilation under it, which is most efficient against mold, fungus, etc.
However, the deck may not be the best solution if a massive flash flood is expected in your area, as a deck can simply be wiped off with a strong water stream. In this case, you may want to go for the most solid fundamental concrete construction.
Building it may require some advanced skills and investment, but it is the first and the most crucial way to floodproof a tool shed.
Does a tool shed need gutters?
Many homeowners tend to neglect gutters installation when it comes to tool sheds and other outdoor constructions. However, water damage is the worst enemy for any tools or equipment you may keep in your device shed, and without gutters, you simply invite rainfall and melting snow into the shed.
Glutters are essential if you want to floodproof a tool shed, and you should definitely purchase and install them.
At the same time, it is essential to remember basic maintenance and regularly clean those gutters from debris and other contaminations, just like you do for your own house.
Treat the walls of the tool shed regularly.
We can talk about various flood barriers and other floodproofing solutions for hours, but they definitely become useless if the walls of the outdoor construction cannot withstand water.
It is essential to inspect the walls of your tool shed regularly and eliminate all sorts of cracks and wholes immediately before the damage spreads all over.
Make sure to use proper wood preservatives for your tool shed and cover the walls with waterproof paint to seal the material and block water away from the wood fibres.
It is also essential to consider such "internal" danders like insect damage, mould and fungus, which inevitably develop in poor maintenance, neglect or water damage caused by the previous flooding that was not appropriately treated.
Ventilation in a tool shed
Ventilation is a crucial way to floodproof a tool shed like any other. As we have already mentioned, water damage from the previous mistreatment can make even the most advanced flood barriers inefficient if it weakens the construction.
When it comes to tool sheds or other not-heated outdoor construction, water damage is always a result of poor ventilation. When temperatures go down as the seasons change or during the day, water from the air tends to condense and settle on all surfaces. Morning dew is an example of this process.
Once the area is open-air or appropriately ventilated, this water just dries out, evaporates back into the air as the temperatures rise. If your tool shed does not have proper air circulation, this water will get absorbed into the wood, making it rot and weaken.
Flood barriers for tool sheds
While flood barriers have already proven their efficiency against floods for thousands of homes and businesses worldwide, they can be as efficient for tool sheds and other outdoor constructions.
Created according to the standard doorway measurements, they can be adjusted perfectly due to soft inflatable laying placed around their perimeter. Dam accessible also offers solutions that will allow you to expand and fit the flood barrier precisely according to the passage size in your tool or garden shed.
Once water retreats, you can easily fold your flood barrier and store it in the same shed as the construction is extremely compact and does not require a lot of space.
Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our flood barriers and other anti-flooding solutions for your home, business, or other construction you want to protect from water damage. Our team will answer all your questions and create a personalized anti-flooding kit precisely according to the measurements of your property, no matter how unique it may be.
Our flood barriers are easy to install and remove, don't require any additional costs and can be used for many years, making them the most sustainable and money-efficient anti-flooding solution on the modern market!
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