After flooding, most of us will instantly get busy with cleaning and insurance claims, etc. In other words, do their best to leave the disaster behind and go back to normal life as soon as possible.
However, for some people, especially children, any natural disaster and especially flooding, can be an extremely traumatizing experience, which will require some additional time and effort to recover and continue a normal life.
Many people claim that a natural disaster like flooding is mostly traumatic due to the fact that humanity is still entirely helpless against it. Even having the most advanced flood control solutions like flood barriers for home or flood gates, we still cannot prevent the disaster entirely. In the best case, we can minimize the damage it will make and protect our health and wellbeing, while our friends, neighbors, and millions of other people who for any reason could not protect themselves will keep on suffering from floods more and more often every year.
In this article, we shall talk about the most efficient, professionally approved methods of coping with psychological trauma after flooding for adults as well as children.
After flooding recovery for adults.
It may be particularly hard for adults to recover after flooding because of all the sudden responsibilities and duties they instantly have to deal with, especially if we are talking about people with families, those who have little children or senior parents, or other beloved ones who depend on them both mentally and physically.
This load of responsibilities may turn out unbearable for any person. Even if, before the flooding, you considered yourself an independent, mature person who could take care of yourself and your family, such a destructive event like a flood may intimidate anyone.
Except for feeling depressed and puzzled, adults often demonstrate other disturbing physical and psychological symptoms of trauma after a natural disaster:
- Insomnia;
- Loss of appetite;
- Fatigue;
- Social isolation;
- Risky behavior and suicidal thoughts;
- Migraines and phantom pains (pains that don't have physiological reasons);
- Alcohol and drug abuse.
All of those may seem like a temporary mechanism of coping after such a traumatic event as a disaster. But in fact, they usually appear as symptoms or first stages of complicated psychological syndromes.
Here is what you can do to help yourself, or someone you know copes with trauma as long as you notice the symptoms:
- Find healthy ways and mechanisms that help relax. Replace alcohol with favorite non-alcoholic drinks and cocktails, in case of aggressive, spontaneous behavior, try to exercise more, smoking can be replaced with gum, etc.;
- Try to make restoration of your house a part of the healing process. A DIY project, a creative hobby, or just a chance to learn a new skill is a great way to overcome trauma and depression;
- Limit your exposure to TV and social media. Although it is essential to stay informed during a flood season, mass media is often a source of negativity and fake news, which cannot help the healthy restoration process;
- Don't be ashamed to talk to others. Talking about your trauma is essential for the healing process. Don't be ashamed to express your feelings; talk about your fears and inability to perform some duties at the moment. Many people feel the same as you, and suppressing these symptoms will only worsen the trauma;
- Adress a specialist. If the symptoms of trauma don't pass several days after you are back to normal life, make sure to address a professional who has the necessary knowledge and qualifications to help you cope with the trauma and prevent it from developing into a severe mental health issue.
How to help children cope with trauma after flooding.
It is normal for children to feel frightened and confused after such events as flooding or any other natural disaster. Especially if it affects the place, they and their parents live.
However, kids` psychology is much more complicated, and sometimes our children may not demonstrate any visible symptoms of trauma rights away. Or may simply fail to notice them being too busy with house restoration, cleaning, insurance paperwork, etc.
It is essential to create a supportive environment around kids after flooding. Let them know that you expect them to talk about their feeling and are ready to address all their fears, concerns, and issues caused by the disaster. Sometimes kids may suppress their true feelings and reaction to a traumatizing event as they are afraid to cause parents even more trouble.
Here are the most common symptoms to keep an eye on in your children after flooding:
- Insomnia, trouble with falling asleep or vice versa, abnormal drowsiness;
- Depression, lethargy, or unusually hyperactive behavior;
- lack of appetite or overeating;
- headaches and phantom pains at any part of the body;
- extreme clinginess, tantrums, bed-wetting.
As you might have noticed, children may go both ways as a result of psychological trauma. They can become unusually passive, quiet, and sleepy or vice versa, turn explosive, clingy and bring back issues like bed-wetting that may have been defeated several years ago.
Nobody knows your children and can point out unusual behavior better than you. That is why it is so important to keep an eye on them right after the flooding event and make sure that they see you and your house as a safe space where they can express themselves and work out all their issues.
Here is how you can help your kids cope with the trauma and its symptoms:
- Let them know that they are free to talk and express their feelings at any moment. You will not get mad or irritated but will gladly help them to deal with their confusing feelings;
- Establish and maintain routines that will help life look as normal as possible from the very first day after the disaster;
- Constantly ask children about their feelings, physical and mental state. Instead of giving orders, make sure that they are ok with doing the chores at the moment and ask what you can do to help them;
- Take time to answer their questions. Never say that you are too busy at the moment or they are too young to understand something;
- Take children to a physician as soon as possible for an overall check-up. Some physical trauma may not be obvious in kids' bodies right away and your child may really suffer from some pains at the moment;
- Adress a professional. Kids` psychology is extremely fragile and complicated. Make sure to address a professional if the behavior deviations continue or worsen.
The best way to prevent trauma caused by natural disasters is to make sure that your home remains your fortress, a place where everyone will stay safe no matter what. That is why it is so important to get flood barriers for your home, flood gates, and other modern flood control solutions for your home to block the flood water away and prevent it from getting into your house and affecting your normal life.
Follow us for more advice and updates on flood control and coping with the disaster, and contact Dam Easy today to learn more about flood barriers and other modern, most efficient devices that will help you turn your house into an ultimate floodproof fortress for you and your family.
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