Garage door water barriers - protect garage from flooding

Garage door water barriers - protect garage from flooding

6 minute read

Flooding can be a total nightmare for any property owner. But when it comes to garage flooding, the damage can be much bigger than you imagine. Ironically, the place in the house where we keep our cars, electric appliance, tools, water heaters, and other things that will require expensive repairs in case of a flood is also the most vulnerable area in 90% of modern houses. Garage door water barriers can be a great solution that will prevent this damage and save you a great deal of money, time, and effort.

Unfortunately, today it is pretty easy to get confused and overwhelmed with the amount of different anti-flooding solutions on the modern market. Some homeowners get disappointed when garage door water barriers fail in their property simply because they may make a wrong choice. A choice that may work perfectly for your neighbor but will be unsuitable for your garage gate.

In this article, we shall talk about why and how to protect garages from flooding and whether it is possible to get a versatile and efficient garage door water barriers that will work and protect your property even in case of severe flooding.

Why garage gets flooded?

In fact, there are many reasons why your garage may get flooded multiple times during the year. And while seasonal floods caused by heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or hurricanes are the first thing that may come to mind, flooding can come from whiting your property as well as outside. 

That is why it is so important to consider all possible scenarios if you don't want to wake up to a flooded garage one morning.

Here are the most common reasons why garages get flooded today:

  • Whether or seasonal floods. As we have already mentioned, those are the first type of flooding that comes to mind when we talk about flooded garages. Indeed, flooding is the most common natural disaster today. It explains why 90% of modern households have some sort of water damage today. At least 75% of that damage is caused by natural seasonal floods or floods that happen due to natural disasters. In this case, proper water barriers for garage doors are the main and fairly the only solution that will guarantee your property's safety in case of disaster.
  • Sewage flooding. This type of flooding is another most dangerous and "expensive" disaster that can happen in your garage. Sewage flooding happens due to numerous reasons. It can be caused by pipe clogging, damage, pressure, as well as the good old natural floods that overwhelm the sewage system and often lead to these nasty floods. The biggest problem with sewage flooding is that it brings the dirtiest, most dangerous water damage that can destroy your belongings beyond repair.
  • Water pipe flooding. Water pipes can burst and cause flooding due to changes in temperature or pressure, corrosion, and any other kind of damage. In fact, water pipe flooding is statistically the least expected one, and therefore it goes right behind weather and seasonal floods in the destruction rate.

Garage door water barriers

As you see, water can come into your garage from above, beyond, and any side. Now let's see how you can minimize the damage and make sure that the next possible flooding will spare your valuable belongings.

How to protect the garage from flooding?

Since there are different ways your garage can get flooded, there are also various solutions that can help you protect your property from water damage. From Garage door water barriers to prophylactics and structure enforcement - here are the most efficient anti-flooding solutions for garage.

  • Clean the gutters. Gutters play a crucial role when we talk about the most frequent weather or seasonal flooding. Once the gutters are clogged or damaged, water does not distribute properly and may get directed towards your garage. It will inevitably increase the pressure on Garage door water barriers and other anti-flooding solutions, making them less efficient. Let's say gutters are your first frontiers in garage flood prevention.
  • Inspect the structure. Even the best Garage door water barriers may fail in case the building itself cannon withstand the flooding. It is essential that you inspect the structure of your garage regularly, detect and eliminate all possible leaks, cracks, and other damage. The best time to do so is right after a good rain when all the leaks become most visible but won't cause any major water damage if you fix them on time.
  • Professional landscaping. A professional will analyze your property, determine its weak points, and will explain to you where and how many drains you need to install and how you may redesign the elevations on your property to drive water away from the garage or any other buildings and structures located on it.
  • Get proper anti-flooding equipment. The biggest problem with garage floods and anti-flooding protection for them is that garage gates are much wider than any other doors and passages in the house. Therefore it may be hard to find an anti-flooding solution that would fit and seal it properly. It is mainly the reason why so many homeowners still prefer sandbagging to protect their garages from floods. However, modern garage door water barriers can offer alternative solutions that will work for the whole house, including basement passages, front and back doors, and garage gates.

Garage door water barriers

Dam Easy offers versatile Garage door water barriers with a system of extension poles. It allows you to fit your flood barriers precisely for your garage gate. The extension poles are easy to install and remove as the flood barriers themselves and allow you to build a 3-foot flooding dike effortlessly and in a matter of several minutes.

Hundreds of homeowners worldwide have already commended how easy t is to install the garage flood barriers with extension poles and how efficient they are against even the most severe floods.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our Garage door water barriers and other modern anti-flooding solutions that will give you the ease of mind and keep your garage and other belongings safe and sound during the most severe flooding. 

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