Autumn Flooding. Prepare for the upcoming flood season

Autumn Flooding. Prepare for the upcoming flood season

5 minute read

For most people, Autumn is associated with rainy days and piddles. As romantic as this setup can be, autumn is becoming one of the most flood-dangerous seasons in many regions. Autumn flooding happens due to heavy rainfall and becomes more and more destructive, especially in the areas that might have gone through wildfires in the previous season.

autumn flooding

Due to the recent flooding events all over Europe and New York, people are becoming more and more aware of the ongoing situation and follow the weather forecasting more carefully.

And the latest data shows the upcoming autumn may appear pretty extraordinary and bring massive rainfall we might have never seen before. Due to climate change and rising temperatures worldwide, the water evaporated from the Eart`s surface most intensely this summer. 

As soon as the temperatures start to lower, this condensed water will fall from the sky, causing massive floods in the regions, which might have been considered dry in the previous years.

British experts say that a month-worth amount of rainfall in 24 hours will occur several times in several areas, causing massive autumn flooding and leading to quite unpredictable consequences for the local ecosystem.

In this article, we decided to discuss the peculiarities of autumn floods and how to prepare your household or business for the disaster to minimize its consequences.

How is autumn flooding different?

Floods are becoming so common worldwide and happen all year round today. That is why people often tend to underestimate the meaning, nature and try the dangers of autumn flooding.

Indeed, talking about floods, we mostly imagine snowmelt and heavy rainfall of spring. From this point, spring floods are pretty normal and even routine for many areas.

However, autumn floods have their peculiarities, which can even put the above habitual spring disasters.

First of all, there is a big chance that your region might have gone through wildfire during the previous season. Unfortunately, rising temperatures and climate change, along with neglect and barbaric consumption of natural resources, often lead to forest fires, which are most hard to put down.

This problem is particularly severe in thickly-forested areas as sometimes special vehicles and firefighters simply cannot get to the burning area fast enough to prevent the severe spread of the fire.

autumn flooding

In this case, people naturally wait for autumn rains like salvation, but they often have to face a devastating reality and become victims of severe autumn floods that follow wildfires.

The problem is that forest fires leave a lot of debris, broken trees, dead animals, and other things that initially become destructive elements once picked up by a water stream and left towards the flooded area. 

Moreover, they prevent water from soaking into the soil naturally, and therefore floods become more plausible in those areas and sometimes don`t even require any particularly heavy rainfall.

Even the most modest and regular rain can lead to a massive flash autumn flooding once the water simply has no place to go and start to overflow local rivers, lakes, or even creeks.

Autumn flooding is different from the flooding events that we are mostly used to because it is more destructive and sometimes more aggressive and unpredictable. It can cause severe financial damage to households and businesses and even take lives once the danger and outcomes of this event are underestimated.

How to prepare for autumn flooding?

 The big problem with autumn flooding is that it is often endured with debris and garbage we leave behind during the summer. Once the summer was hot, there is a big chance that your gutters are blocked with fallen dry leaves and grass as well as garbage and dust. That is why it is essential to check your household or business thoroughly preparing for autumn flooding:

autumn flooding

  • Check the gutters and release them from dirt, dust, and dry leaves;
  • Check and clean the drains. They are even more vulnerable to contamination with dirt and dry grass and are often neglected;
  • Seal the windows. Not only will it help to protect the house in case of severe flooding, but it will put a V on preparation for the winter cold in advance;
  • Prepare for a windy flood. Autumn flooding is most dangerous because of all the dirt and debris and pretty strong winds, which often accompany heavy rainfall in the season. They can make the flood even more destructive once they move or even lift up some pieces of deck furniture, outdoor decorations, and other elements. Make sure to remove and secure them as soon as the weather becomes dangerously gloomy;
  • Get efficient anti-flooding protection. If you didn`t get any anti-flooding solution for your house until now, this might be the year you really should. Modern flood gates are easy to install and store. They don`t take much place and will serve you for many years. Considering the damage that an average autumn flooding can cause your house or business, a quality flood barrier is an investment that will pay off almost instantly.

autumn flooding

Contact Dam East today and learn about modern solutions we offer to protect your household or business from the autumn flooding. Our experts will be happy to answer all your questions and offer personalized solutions to secure each door and garage gate or even basement passage in your house.

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


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